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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Topic 1.1 What is the Internet?



  • The Internet is ubiquitous
  • Learned about the history - the Internet is a collection of computers linked via phone lines, power lines, satellites, cables and radio
  • "The Internet is not the World Wide Web"
  • A network joined with other computers
  • Your web browser respond to a web server
  • TCP/IP "enable the movement of information between nodes on the network"
  • Every computer has a IP (Internet Protocol) address
  • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) - divert data from your computer to receiving computer
  • Routers read the transmitted data
  • Domain names: e.g. .com, .org, .edu, .gov
  • Second level domain names are: "Yahoo, Google, Curtin" etc.
  • Brandwith -" amount of available communication resources"
  • Broadband - "high speed", fast connection - this is not dialup - does not make use of standard telephone service
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) - allows sending/receiving of email
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - allows files to be transferred
  • News Network Transfer Protocol (NNTP) - newsgroups connected to topics
  • Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - simultaneous connection


  1. A very informative post Lizelle good for computing beginners :)

  2. I love your blog Lizelle. It is so informative and clever.

  3. Hi "Talis est Vita", thank you for your nice comment! Can I ask you please, what does your title mean? It sound beautiful! :)
