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Monday, December 6, 2010

Topic 1.2 ...And the World Wide Web

WWW - Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee you are a true hero - creator of the WWW. What is more, Berners-Lee made the Internet free for all of us (1993)

  • Web is the "public face of the Internet"
  • It is an application - the same as "email"
  • Hypertext - makes us go from one webpage to another webpage (easy...but technical
  • Vannevar Bush first thought of a machine to retrieve all human knowledge to a desktop in 1945
  • 1965 – Ted Nelson came up with non-sequential non-linear connected text – as known as hypertext
  • First mouse - 1968 by Dough Engelbart
  • Tim Berners-Lee and workmates developed all the tools for WWW in 1990.
  • 1993 - Mosaic, version 1.0 browser was developed by Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina
  • URLs - Uniform Resources Locators - help to remember where webpages are stored
  • HTML - Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) - this is computer language written for each page
  • It is fun to write HTML - but today people don't really write their own computer language anymore (there are easier ways - already done for us)
  • The Web is BIGGGGGGGG - 2008, there were 1 trillion URLs (Google, 2008)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a comprehensive blog! I love all the extra thingies, cartoons and stuff you have embedded in to this.
